“A speedy service is of the greatest importance for us”

Valère Corthouts, father of Thomas, Belgium
"We had an adapted living space built onto our house about six years ago, for our son Thomas. He is a fully-grown man by now, whom we cannot lift on our own anymore and who must be able to shift his position several times a day. We have had a crossbeam system installed in his room, which makes it possible for us to lift our son at any location and to lower him wherever necessary: In his bed, his bath, on the home-nursing table, in his wheelchair, and so on. We can let Thomas glide from his living room to the outside, all the way to the swimming pool, and then lower him into the water in one move.
Service is of the utmost importance for us. If something you should go wrong with the installation, then we must be able to count on a quick intervention. For taking care of Thomas, my wife and I could not miss the lifting system for a single day. "