Permanent investment in testing
Raising the bar higher than prescribed by the inspection standards
External organisations carry out inspections to check that Handi-Move lifts comply with the applicable standards. We ourselves carry out a permanent series of checks to ensure that our production continues to comply with these inspections, so that we always make products following the same standards. Handi-Move, however, prefers to make the applicable standards even stricter. The prototype lifts developed by our engineers undergo more demanding tests.
100,000 instead of 10,000 test cycles
Before production starts, newly developed patient lifts undergo an endurance test for several months. Our new designs are placed on the test bench and are tested for as many as 100,000 full scale up and downward cycles with maximum load, instead of the 10,000 cycles as prescribed. Afterwards, we check for wear.

Testing machine for the slings: an example of safety and quality
Handi-Move has developed its own device for thorough testing of the quality and safety of their slings. We carry out these tests for new designs, but also for random testing on current production series.
30,000 test movements
The 'sling testing machine' performs long-lasting and reliable tests on the use of the slings. The fabric itself as well as the loops and the stitching of the loops on the fabric undergo extensive and lengthy testing. They undergo about 30,000 test movements. They are washed and retested dozens of times. A safety factor of 1.5 is applied: should a lifting sling, for example, be able to resist 200 kg, it is tested at 300 kg.